About Shayla

Shayla Mihaly helps heart-and-soul-centered women coaches, healers & holistic practitioners live lives of deeper Purpose, Abundance, Freedom and Joy. An empath, healer and introvert, Shayla began a formal meditation and spiritual practice in 1981. She has been a holistic health practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner (and of course Reiki Master) since the mid 1990s. Shayla has created multi-6 figure practices both in person and online,

After running her own wellness center for 20 years, and doing over 20,00 in-person client sessions,
Shayla now specializes in teaching other women coaches and healers how to attract & enroll high-end clients you love, and create more freedom in your life, while serving deeply and living your Soul's purpose. She also loves to help her clients set up evergreen automated marketing and sales systems, so they can be more free.

Shayla lives in San Francisco, CA with her amazing husband and various beloved animal family members.

Shayla Mihaly