Inspiration from other women coaches,

healers & holistic practitioners...

I was making a shift in my practice. I had trained in my new field, made some big purchases. I was excited, inspired, energetic… and completely clueless as to how to reach my audience, my people, my ideal client.

I mean, it’s so easy to slip into the mentality of having to “take what you can get,” and we holistic practitioners tend to gravely undervalue ourselves and our services.

I will say, to my own credit, that I knew this. I had “been there, done that,” and DID NOT want to go down that road again. But what would this new path look like?

Shayla and I connected, and I signed up for her program.

Long story short, I went from feeling alone in my quest to feeling supported spiritually and professionally, basking in my awesomeness, completely aligned with my purpose, and equipped with a detailed “how-to” attract my ideal client.

Oh, and I might also mention this: In the 3 months working with Shayla, I’ve TRIPLED my income.

Do I feel like I’m working “hard”? Not at all! Every move I make in my business is in alignment with who I am and what I want my vocational life to look like. Now, that’s what we ALL deserve, and that’s how we will best serve others!

Shayla, thank you for coming along.

Nancy Chiappe

“When I agreed to work with Shayla I wasn’t really sure what I was going to get or what to expect. But I did know that my instincts were screaming “DO IT!”. Shayla and I immediately connected and she spoke some really clear and discerning things to me that let me know I was in the right hands. Shayla spoke to me about finding my ideal client, my unique voice, and setting up my business to work for ME.

… All the pieces started falling into place. At times it was difficult having to dredge through my past and my concepts, but it was SO worth it. I often called Shayla a Jedi master because she could shine a light on something so deep in me that it made me feel like she could read my mind.

My favorite thing about Shayla is that she’s real. She doesn’t have a fake bone in her body and she genuinely cares about her clients and their success. She’s like a mom, a best friend, and a therapist in one. She doesn’t try to change you or mold you in any way. She just helps you tap into the best parts of yourself and teaches you how to use them to your advantage.

I just passed my business’ one year anniversary. I now have 2 employees, I only work 20 hours a week, I took my first real vacation in years to Cabo, and last month I made seventeen thousand dollars."

Marianne Graham

“Before working with Shayla, I didn't really believe I could attract the clients of my dreams. Part of that was to get really clear that I needed to let go of an old clientele I was serving, and boldly step up into a new one. Since creating my specialized niche, styling for entrepreneurs and visionaries, my business has flourished in a way that I could have never expected.”

Joui Turandot

I was confused about the best way to build my business and was struggling with issues around how to earn well while really serving my clients.

Shayla has opened my eyes to a whole new way of creating my business and has helped me to deal with many inner and outer blocks to my own success.

Since starting work with Shayla I have not only tripled my prices but I also feel that I am being of the highest service to my clients, enjoying what I do and earning money that reflects my true value.

Shayla is so great at what she does and it is always fun to work with her. If you really want to expand yourself and your business, Shayla is the woman for you!

Louise Charman

"I started working with Shayla because although I loved my work, I was working way too much and starting to burn out. Shayla helped me make the transition to where I could make more money working less hours. This let me feel the love for my work again, and do it in a sane way. Shayla provided moral support, a lot of information and wisdom, and some very concrete logistical support to enable me to make this change. She has helped me so much."

Michelle Masters

"Before working with Shayla I was struggling. I’d recently made a cross country move after teaching yoga and being a health coach for 17 years in NYC,  I lowered my rates, which I thought was the right thing to do at the time but was damaging to my confidence. I found it difficult to find new clients and teaching opportunities, and the students I did have paid less and were less committed to transforming their lives.

Since working with Shayla, I’ve identified my Divine Match client who is a joy to work with. I’ve created programs that women are truly invested in, so they become Pain Free and Energized. With Shayla’s Guidance, I earned more $ teaching a single online program than I did in six years combined of teaching a very similar program!  I’ve more than doubled my rates and had the best year of income ever since working with Shayla. This has given me a newfound confidence in my ability to transform women’s lives.

I would say to someone considering working with Shayla to definitely step into the opportunity. Her programs are an investment in yourself and in your future!

The world needs more women healers to thrive, so we can continue to serve and offer our healing to the world."
Marjorie Nass